Bishop Homeopathy

John Bishop, Dhom
Traditional Naturopathy
Classical Homeopathy
Tel. (619) 819-0203
Fax. (619) 819-0204


Bishop Homeopathy

200 pellets (approximately 50 doses)

Main indications:*

  • Inflammation of the urinary tract (UTI), kidneys, and intestines
  • Burns and sunburn
  • Nephritis, pericarditis

Cantharis is the polychrest for burns and for severe inflammation of the kidneys, the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, and other mucous membranes. The indication for Cantharis is acute pain with a burning sensation. If the urinary tract is inflamed, urination will be painful. For gastrointestinal inflammation, coffee irritates. Other symptoms include increased mucus secretions, mood swings, and possible hemorrhaging.

Use Cantharis internally and topically to aid healing of second and third degree burns, sunburn, and skin blisters which feel better after a cold pack application. Also prescribed for pericarditis and postpartum inflammation.

Cantharis is prepared from a triturated solution of powdered Spanish fly, or blister beetle - a small poisonous insect native to Southern Europe and parts of Asia.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

$ 12.00